Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Server and the Served

The other day I attended a house dedication for five families who were apart of Habitat for Humanity.  It was truly an awesome thing to experience.  A member from our church was one of the recipients of a brand new home that she had to contribute what they call "sweat equity" into her home.  I was also privileged to be asked to say a few words and say a prayer of blessing over this sister's new home.  I also was asked to do the same thing for another recipient who did not have a pastor and gain I was privileged and humbled at the same time because I had an opportunity to serve this woman who I did not know.. 

A city commissioner was there and she spoke about how Habitat fro Humanity helps on three levels:  emotionally, economically and socially.  She mentioned that the new homes reduce blight, drugs and crime.  I then begin to think about how much our communities have become run down over the years.  People move to new subdivisions for bigger homes and more affluent neighborhoods.  We try to lead people into believing that we are living life fabulously when it is all actually financed with borrowed money all the while leaving others behind. 

Now I am not saying that we should give all of our hard earned money to those who need it but what I am saying is that we need to start serving others more.  I thought about the volunteers who gave up their time and helped these five families build their homes.  They served.  They went nameless and were not the center of attention that day.  They also did not receive any compensation for their hard work but yet they served.  Dr. martin Luther King, Jr. said once that not all of us can be rich and famous or CEO's of companies but we can be great by serving. 

Because of Habitat for Humanity five families who did not have a chance at home ownership and quality housing now do.  Those unknown volunteers who gave of themselves probably will feel a great deal of pride as they see those homes years from now.  Why don't you find a way to serve in your community?  The fact of the matter is that government and electing the right people from the right party will not turn our communities around.  The answer is you and your willingness to serve.

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