Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Quiet Radical

All across the country there are quiet radicals.  They are the ones who are not satisfied with the status quo but no one will listen to them.  They look at the world differently than most and have creative solutions to problems and don't believe in getting more strict and doing the same thing only harder but calling it different.  They are dreamers who dream about doing great things.  They have visions that can turn the world upside down.  The only problem is that no one will listen.  The question is why won't anyone listen?  The answer is that they are unconventional and that scares most people.  The quiet radicals are not like outspoken people who get listened to.  Outspoken people are conventional and safe who people listen to because they are just simply loud.  Quiet radicals feel like outsiders and because of that they can only see the problems but see the solution very clearly.  Because of the fact that they are unconventional they are never listened too and these creative solutions are never heard.  To be honest, most are not interested in listening.  Isn't our society based on mutual respect and listening to different ideas?  The quiet radical is exempt from this.  As we look at history we see quiet radicals changing the world.  Ignored at first they were and are persistent until that breakthrough comes.  So if you are a quiet radical please stay persistent and keep that dream alive until your breakthrough comes.