Thursday, July 31, 2014

What You See Is What You Get

In order to get to where you are going in your life it is always important to see first what you want to become.  That is why,  "What you see is what you get."  This can be accomplished in several different ways and with the internet it is even easier.  Volunteering in areas of interest is always a great place to start.  This will put you in contact with people in that particular field or area of interest and you have the opportunity to get first hand experience.  Finding a mentor gives you the opportunity to ask questions and get advice on the steps you would need to take to get to where you want to be.  Having a mentor also gives you the chance to see a person who is successful in that field and they can also be a role model as well.  Using websites such as Youtube can give you some exposure in seeing what you would like to become.  As they say seeing is believing and seeing what you want to become modeled for you gives you to ability to really start to believe that you can accomplish your goal as well as achieve success because you have seen it done.  So what you see is what you get.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Character Key of the Day: Enjoy Life

It is very important that you learn to enjoy life.  To enjoy every moment of life whether it is the good,the bad and the ugly, enjoying every step of the way. It is so important to enjoy the entire ride because at the end of the day life is about the memories you make.  Trouble doesn't last always so it there is no reason to dwell on it.  Get the lessons that you can out of the difficulties and just enjoy the ride and remember that you will be able to look back on those times and laugh.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Remove the Limits

What most people are not aware of is the fact that they allow others to create their world for them.  They live life based on goals that others set and what others say must be followed in order to have a happy and successful life.  The fact of the matter is that we are a copy cat society and will often follow after others blindly without really thinking about our own beliefs and values.  You will never become more than what you believe.  In order to find true success we must break through the limits that others have set and most importantly the limits we have set on ourselves.  Here are some key points to help break through the limits on your life:

1.  Change your perspective-  How you view your life, situation, etc. will determine just how successful you will go.  Begin to look for the possibilities instead of the roadblocks to your success.  Begin to train yourself to become optimistic and finding the good instead of looking for the worst thing to happen.  Learn to never go by what the situation looks like.

2.  Pour into yourself- We often pray and ask for opportunities to come our way but the key is to be ready for those opportunities.  So it is important to improve yourself through reading books, taking classes or whatever it takes for you to be prepared.  This is a sacrifice but pouring into yourself is the best investment that you can make.

3.  Develop a plan-  It is great to have a desire to be successful but without a plan you will go no where.  To develop a plan means that you have to put thought and effort into the success you desire.  This plan must be written done so that it goes from being just a thought to something achievable.

4.  Building your character-  Who you are is what you attract.  People often survive on personality which is who what want others to see.  The problem with this is sooner or later personality gives way to your character in challenging situations.  Your character is who you are when no one else is looking or more specifically it is you and what you think about.  When you have developed a strong and noble character others will see that regardless of the situation and you will begin to attract good things to you.

5.  Failure is not a bad thing-  Failure is a part of life and everyone at some point has dealt with some level of failure.  Failure is a tool that provides us with feedback on what we did.  Learn to look at failed situations and begin to look for useful information that you can use to have success.  Sometimes all you have to do is adjust your aim.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Character Key of the Day

What kind of people do you attract to you?  Who you are as a person is who you will attract to you daily in your interpersonal relationships.  Doing self inventory and working on your character flaws will change who you attract to you which also cause those in your life who negative to separate from you.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Character Key of the Day

Realize that you are not an employee but a business owner and you contract your services to the company to provide work they could not do themselves. Once you come to this realization you will discover just how important you are in what you do. Protect your brand, develop your product (you) and learn to negotiate how much you are paid for your services.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Character Key of the Day

To define their purpose for existence companies have a mission statement. To define your purpose consider developing a mission statement for yourself and for your family.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Success is Within You!

Everyone is born with everything they need to be successful in life.  We all do not have the same gifts and talents but we all have what we need to achieve and succeed.  Each person's unique experience will have a profound affect on which direction they choose to go as well as parental guidance and role models.  Our job as individuals is to locate the key to unlock the door of the hidden potential in our lives.  This requires deep soul searching into ourselves.   Many people do not invest a lot of time into getting to know themselves and discover who they really are.  In doing this is where we find the key and achieve success.  From there we must constantly invest in ourselves in order to reach our potential and fulfill our destiny.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Stop All the Worry

Worry can block you from achieving goals or breakthroughs in you life.  When you worry about things you are actually starting to believe that bad things that could possibly happen are true even though they have not happened.  Worry is based on fear which is the opposite of faith.  It is very important to train yourself to be as optimistic as possible and to also realize that even if the worst could happen it is not the end of the world.  Sprinters are trained to never look back during the race because it will cause them to slow down and lose the race.  The same is true in life.  Never look back at the things that worry you because it will cause you to lose focus and momentum.  Remember that faith is believing  that you goal or vision will become reality.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Move to Life Satisfaction and Independence

Most people never become successful in life because they focus more on consuming things rather than creating things. We must learn how to create things of value that we can offer rather than just consuming the things others create and control.